Making Revisions to Common Prerequisites

Proposed changes to any common prerequisites established by the Articulation Coordinating Committee shall be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Articulation Coordinating Committee. Proposed changes would include the addition or deletion of a course designated as a common prerequisite and the addition or deletion of course substitutions. The proposed amendments should be submitted by the first week in February of each year prior to the subsequent Fall semester implementation. See the timeline provided below for a detailed explanation of the revision process. All recommendations shall come through the Oversight Committee with the Articulation Coordinating Committee giving final approval. Final approval of the amendments shall be made by the Articulation Coordinating Committee at its September meeting. The amendments shall be incorporated into the Common Prerequisite Counseling Manual for distribution in December to be included in university and community college catalogs to be distributed in May and June.

Revisions Timeline
time period
November - January 31
Colleges submit requests for revisions to DCU/CC staff
Early February (First Week)
DCU/CC staff send requests for revisions to Faculty Discipline Co-Chairs
Early March (First Week)
Co-Chairs send requests out to respective Committees (Committees may meet once each year face-to-face)
Co-Chairs submit Faculty Discipline Committees' recommendations for revisions to Division of Colleges and Universities and Community College staff
Staff compiles recommendations from Faculty Discipline Committees and sends to Co-Chairs for verification
Early August
Oversight Committee Meeting held to approve recommendations for revisions
Articulation Coordinating Committee approves changes
October - November
Common Prerequisite Manual revisions made and updated Manual finalized
Manual distributed to community colleges and universities
December - May
Universities and community colleges prepare institutional catalogs
SUS and CC catalogs published with revised common prerequisites
New changes become effective