DLSS members council
Institutional Distance Learning Contacts
College and University Distance Learning and Student Services contacts provide support and suggestions to improve services offered by the Florida Virtual Campus dedicated to ensuring a statewide offering of high quality online courses that expanding access and improving affordability for postsecondary students in Florida. Each college and university is encouraged to become regularly involved and has an opportunity to offer insight as desired.
Broward College
Rudy Jean-Bart
Joseph Metts
Chipola College
Vikki Milton
Jane Stephens
College of Central Florida
Josh Strigle
Daniel Mainwaring
Daytona State College
Bill Harrison
Faith Testerman
Eastern Florida State College
Dr. Philip Simpson
Andrew Lieb
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
Franzetta Fitz
Robert Seniors
Florida Atlantic University
Dr. Julie Golden Botti
Willie Freeman
Florida Gateway College
Brandon McIntire
Ryan Touchton
Florida Gulf Coast University
David Jaeger
Christopher Jordanek
Florida International University
Evangelia Prevolis
Gabriela Icabalceta
Florida Polytechnic University
Brennen Cannon
Dr. Tom Dvorske
Florida SouthWestern State College
Dr. Rozalind Jester
Laura Osgood
Florida State College at Jacksonville
Dr. Piti “Golf” Kanjanapongpaisal
Dr. Ansa Reams-Johnson
Florida State University
Robert J. Fuselier
Mary Eichin
Gulf Coast State College
Lori Driscoll
Merissa Hudson
Hillsborough Community College
Vicki Westergard
Mark Lewis
Indian River State College
Katie Profeta
April Litton
Lake-Sumter State College
Michael Nathanson
Nicholas Kemp
Miami-Dade College
Dr. Donna Jennings
Nestor Pereira
New College of Florida
North Florida College
Ellie Morgan
Jennifer Page
Northwest Florida State College
Bobbi Pinkston
Palm Beach State College
Dr. Jehu Chong
Laura Bassett
Pasco-Hernando State College
Breanna Perry
Pensacola State College
Wendy Spradlin
Frank Asprer
Polk State College
Cody Moyer
Dr. Amy Bratten
Santa Fe College
Page Jerzak
Nance Lempinen-Leedy
Seminole State College of Florida
Marisabel Irizarry
Dr. Geoffrey Fortunato
South Florida State College
Joann Kramer
Carleigh Okwali
St. Johns River State College
Dr. Christina Will
Jack Hall
St. Petersburg College
Tim Godcharles
Chris Harvey
State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota
Karlie Condor
Billy Benton
Tallahassee State College
Anthony Jones
Amanda Wallace
The College of the Florida Keys
Dr. Vanessa Herrera
Kristina Neihouse
University of Central Florida
Kevin Corcoran
Dr. Wendy Howard
University of Florida
Brian Harfe
Barbara Bennett
University of North Florida
Dr. Deb Miller
Erica Anga
University of South Florida
Christine Brown
Dennis Walpole
University of West Florida
Dr. Michelle Horton
Dr. Jenae Burkart
Valencia College
Geni Wright
Gary Kokaisel