The Florida Quality Matters Consortium (FLQMC) provides faculty and staff from participating institutions information and resources to promote quality course design and to build collaborative relationships and shared expertise through statewide collaboration. The primary goal is to improve the quality of courses and learning experiences for students in online and blended courses.
The Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) serves as the Lead Institution for a Quality Matters System Subscription license that welcomes the Florida College System and State University System, DLSS Members Council, and partners to join as the Affiliated Institutions. The System Subscription gives institutions a more cost-effective way to collaborate with one another as they work toward improving course design and meeting QM standards. Institutions who join the System Subscription will benefit from conducting course reviews together, sharing QM resources, and leveraging professional development workshops to inspire action across the system.
There are 36 institutions (including FLVC) listed under the Florida Quality Matters System Subscription. FLVC serves as the System Lead Institution. The others are the affiliated institutions. Complete list of affiliated institutions
Improvement in the design of online and blended courses which can reduce barriers to learning online and result in improved student learning, retention, and satisfaction.
Increased number of faculty trained to apply QM standards to their online and blended courses; increased number of faculty trained and certified as peer reviewers; increased number of courses certified as having met high standards of quality course design; increased number of institutions having three to five year implementation plans; increased access to accessible, coordinated professional development, course development support, and peer reviews.
To reduce the financial burden of the affiliated institutions and provide great opportunities for the institutions to collaborate with each other for effective sharing peer review resources, training, and professional development opportunities for faculty and staff, and continuous improvement of the institution’s online course and program offerings.
The FLVC finalized the Quality Matters System subscription in 2018. QM defines a System subscription (details available at QM Membership and Fees) type as a Full subscription with a Lead institution that includes Affiliate institutions as part of the System subscription. System Affiliate members receive all benefits of the Full subscription and are able to collaborate within the System to:
- Provide QM workshops to participants from all member institutions
- Conduct Subscriber-Managed QM-Certified Course Reviews
FLVC serves as the system Lead Institution. As Lead Institution, FLVC provides a staff lead (serving as the QM System Lead Coordinator), Financial Services, Communication & Marketing Services as well as Research Services in support of the Quality Matters Research project.
- Financial Services: Create invoices for participating institutions; Track invoice payments and provide reporting; Create PO for vendor service payments; Process vendor payment; Information to create the institution’s invoice would come from the staff member serving as project lead.
- Administrative Coordination: (Staffing) FLVC would provide a trained System Lead QM Coordinator and a web presence for subscribers.
- Communication & Marketing Services: Marketing support for FLQMC related activities; Development and maintenance of a FLQMC website
- Research Services: Research and analysis for multi-institution as it relates to quality metrics and services and FLQMC
The Lead Institution signs the System subscription agreement and pays the system license subscription/renewal fee to Quality Matters on behalf of member institutions.
Member institutions agree to pay their even share of the system license subscription/renewal fee mentioned above to FLVC in the form of FLVC QM MOU fee upon receiving the MOU fee invoice from FLVC Financial Services each July.
Member institutions agree to pay the affiliate subscription/renewal fee directly to Quality Matters who sends affiliate subscription fee invoice directly to the institution during spring term of each year.
The Florida System License provides institutions with lower costs, more services, and FLVC Administrator Coordination.
Standard (3+ online programs): $3815/yr/org.
$1275/yr per affiliate institution
Additional details on the different licenses can be found here.
FLVC has designated Tom Tu as the System Lead QM Coordinator. Tom has been a QM Certified Peer Reviewer since 2008. Please feel free to contact Tom for any questions regarding Florida Quality Matters System.