Teaching online preparation toolkit (topkit)

The Teaching Online Preparation Toolkit (TOPkit) is a comprehensive, openly-licensed resource that empowers those who prepare faculty to teach online/hybrid course offerings and who manage faculty development programs. Although TOPkit is Florida-funded, it has an international reach.
TOPkit.org, therefore, is designed to provide you the tools to enhance your practice as well as to engage you in the three-step process of planning, developing, and evaluating your programs. Its supporting resources enable you to put this process into action.
We invite you to explore TOPkit's many resources and participate in upcoming events. Features of TOPkit include:
- An online faculty development program plan
- A sample faculty development course to adopt or adapt
- Rubrics to ensure quality online courses and programs
- An advice column (Ask ADDIE) covering faculty development dilemmas
- A community of practice to share or find a faculty development resources
- A Calendar of Events
- Trends and best practices from the TOPkit Digest delivered to your inbox
- The Annual TOPkit Workshop
- TOPkit Promotional Flyer (PDF)
- And much more.