FL-IDN (Instructional Designer Network)
IDN Additional Resources
Best Practices & Real World Tips
- The Rapid E-Learning Blog: Blog with practical, real-world tips for e-learning success.
- E-Learning Heroes: Active online community that offers tips, e-learning challenges, discussions, and access to templates and assets.
- Learning Solutions Magazine: Magazine with strategies, tools, technologies, services, and best practices to design, develop, implement and manage online learning programs.
- eLearning Industry: Online community or professional which offers articles, concepts, software and resources.
- eLearning Learning: Hub that collects and organizes the best posts and articles on online learning.
- The eLearning Coach: Website with actionable strategies, practical content, product reviews and resources for understanding, designing, and developing online learning.
- Cathy Moore: Blog with ideas for designing lively training for working adults.
- Quality Matters: Organization that supports quality assurance.
- Online Learning Consortium: Organization that provides professional development, instruction, best practice publications and guidance to educators, online learning professionals and organizations.
- Education Advisory Board (EAB): Organization that provides best practice research and practical advice to key academic and administrative leaders.
- The International E-learning Association: Online community of online learning professionals, researchers, and students.
- EDUCAUSE: Online community of IT leaders and professionals committed to advancing higher education.
- The Association for Talent Development: Professional membership organization supporting those who develop the knowledge and skills of employees in organizations.
training & support
- LinkedIn Learning: Online learning platform that helps anyone learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals.
- Infobase: Online training and development solutions for education.
- TechSmith: Online tutorials, support and community for several development products including Snagit, Camtasia, Relay, Loop, Jing, etc.
- eLearning Brothers: Online library of templates and assets.
- eLearning Infographics: Online library of infographics for online learning.
- eLearning Art: Online library of templates and art for online learning.
- WebAIM: Comprehensive web accessibility solutions.
- Unsplash: Online library of free, high-resolution images
- Freesound: Online library of audio snippits, samples, recording available for use under Creative Commons licenses.
- Library of Congress: Online library that offers a rich and enduring source of knowledge to inform, inspire and engage you in your intellectual endeavors.
- w3schools: Website with tutorials and support for programmers.