Florida Online Course Design Quality Designations Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of our most frequently asked questions

What are the Florida Online Course Design Quality designations?
What is the difference between a Quality Matters (QM) review and a Florida Online Course Design Quality review?
What is the difference between Q & HQ designation in the Florida Online Course Design Quality process?
What training is required for course reviewers?
What if my institution does QM internal or QM Official reviews?
When does a Florida Online Course Design Quality review designation expire?
What if we reviewed our courses before this process rolled out and the designations were available?
How does a Florida Online Course Design Quality designation get into the FLVC Online Course Catalog?
Can a course display a Florida Online Course Design Quality designation if it is not taught by the faculty developer?
Which version of the Quality Matters rubric is being used for course design reviews?
What about institutions that do not subscribe to QM or who have developed their own standards?
How can we know that other institutions are following the course review processes?
What about the Faculty Award Designations?