Florida’s Zero Textbook Cost Course Indicator

Florida’s Zero Textbook Cost Course Indicator Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Florida Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) course Indicator?
What does Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) mean?
what are the qualifications for a course to have Florida’s ZTC Indicator?
Will I find courses from all colleges & universities with ZTC course indicators in the Floridashines catalog?
How can a college or university participate in the ZTC course Indicator initiative?
What is the difference between ZTC and OER?
Does this align with Textbook Affordability initiatives around the state of Florida?
How can I identify ZTC courses in the FloridaShines Course Catalog?
How do courses get the ZTC designation?
Is there any relation between ZTC and HQ or Q indicators?
What is the difference between course materials and course supplies?
If a course has an assessment fee, could the course qualify for ZTC?
What is the difference between required course materials and optional course materials?
Is the Florida Zero Textbook (ZTC) Cost course Indicator only for online courses?
Can students filter their search for ZTC courses, to find them in the FloridaShines Course Catalog?
What should students do if they find a discrepancy in the catalog?